Day: March 6, 2004

Letter from David

Letter from David

Hey Todd,
Just visited the link to Locus for March. Too right! Well done! Looking forward even more to reading Dragon’s Blood when it comes out. I noticed in your reply to G.M.(England) that you have a sister as well. Should have remembered that from reading ‘Dragonholder’. Poor memory don’tcha know. At her mention, I got the funniest picture in my head of Darth Vader when he realized Luke had one. Is the (writing) ‘force’ strong with her as well? My, what a gifted family. Any titles I should look up? Keep up the good work.

Hey David,

My sister writes under her married name, Georgeanne Kennedy and has two short stories written in collaboration with Mum. The first is called “Zeus: the Howling” which can be found in Great Writers and Kids Write Spooky Stories, the second is “Bound by Hoof and Nail” which can be found in Mothers & Daughters. Sadly, both books are out of print.

It was a real thrill to get on the Locus Bestseller list. (I’m still kind of numb.)
