Month: January 2005

Letter from Donna

Letter from Donna

Hi, Todd.
I met you with your mum at Dangerous Visions and have the signed bookplate for Dragonsblood. I am about half finished (just started last night), and I have to tell you that I think you have caught the tone of Pern exquisitely. I have been inhabiting Pern for around 30 years now, and was a bit tremulous when you inherited the world, but you are doing it! You are indeed your mother’s son. 🙂 I wish you were signing at the Barnes & Noble in Santa Monica as I can no longer drive great distances – but, as I said, I do have the bookplate from your mum’s signing. Thank you for keeping this world alive.


Hi Donna,

You weren’t the only one who was tremulous, I assure you! I’m glad to hear that I managed to assuage your fears.

Didn’t you get the old cover bookplate? They switched covers to the nice Les Edwards artwork.

Mum may be back this way, health permitting this summer. I don’t know if she’ll be in Santa Monica, we’ll just have to see.


Letter from Cathi

Letter from Cathi

Dear Todd;

Loved the book! I thought you did an excellent job transitioning between the two periods and tying the events together that were happening in those two very different periods. It was great to learn a little more about what happened to the colonists and their progeny in the first Pass, and how that affected later generations.

One of my favorite parts was the ponderings of pachedermic proportions up in the drum tower–that had me in giggles for a good five minutes as I read and reread it–and my daughters had a fun time teasing me when I was bawling my eyes out! To paraphrase your Mum…’you done did good!’ I look forward to finding out more about Kindan and Co.

Hopefully I can make it out to Huntington Beach this Friday for the book signing.

Cathi P.

Hi Cathi,

I’m glad you liked the book. And I’m glad you liked the pachydermic panorama.

Thanks for the ‘you done did good!’

I hope to see you at Huntington Beach this Friday.


Letter from Kater

Letter from Kater


Well I finished the book over the weekend and all I can do is add another WOW to the group. Pern is deffinetly in good hands with you. Yes I was refering to Chaper 7. I agree that if I hadn’t known that you were the writer I would have thought it was your Mum’s hand. You do beautiful work and I’m so glad to know that you are going to continue.

Just a question (that my muddled brain is having trouble remembering right now) when was Dragon’s Kin set? Was it the second or third pass?

Thank you (and of course your Mum) for keeping Pern alive and well!!!


Hi Kater!

Thanks for the “wow!”

Dragon’s Kin was set in the Second Interval. It ends about fourteen Turns before Dragonsblood starts. Kindan’s twelve when Dragon’s Kin ends, he’s twenty-six when we see him in Dragonsblood.


Letter from Laurie

Letter from Laurie

I just finished Dragonsblood and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it (although my husband thinks I’m nuts because he kept coming across me bawling my eyes out over someone who’d died and finally asked “Are you sure you want to read that book?” to which I answered an emphatic “Yes!”)

I am fascinated by the realism you’ve included in the Pern story, particularly in the idea of mutated germs sweeping the populations. And the whole Eridani idea…I loved the way you set up the idea of ‘guardians’ being included in the original colony, especially Ted. The ‘secrets’ also were intriguing and give the whole story more depth, somehow.

I can’t wait to see what you do next!!! Just do it very, very soon!!!!

Hi Laurie,

I’m glad that you liked Dragonsblood! I bawled my eyes out writing those sad pieces and when Mum and I read Chapter Seven out loud at Dragon*con we both bawled our eyes out — and I believe that most of the audience was in tears.

I’m glad you like the science in the story, particularly the Eridani work.

The idea for Dragonsblood came from all the questions raised by Mum’s earlier books. Of course, some questions beget more questions (as you may have noticed).
