Day: February 11, 2005

Letter from Devin

Letter from Devin

Hi, I finished reading Dragonsblood just last week. It was great! I have three questions: One: will there be a sequel to Dragonsblood? Two: What was D’vin’s name before he impressed?(I hope it’s Devin) Three: In the Ninth Pass, do you know if Anne McCaffrey will write another book in that time?

Thank you,

Hi Devin,

I’m glad you enjoyed Dragonsblood. I have three answers for your three questions:

1. I have several sequels in mind following on from Dragonsblood.

2. D’vin’s name was, as you’d hoped, Devin, before he Impressed. The name comes to me honestly, one of my friends, former Clarion West attendees, and first readers has a significant other who is Devin. So when she asked me very politely if she could be a character on Pern, I agreed and incorporated them both. Of course, they’re not *quite* the same people as they are on Earth — no one tranplanted to Pern would be quite the same, obviously.

3. Mum’s been talking and thinking about ideas in the Ninth Pass for some time now. I don’t think any particular idea has sufficiently fired up her imagination.

Right now Mum and I are concentrating on sequels to Dragon’s Kin — which would make them prequels to Dragonsblood. The first book is Dragon’s Fire (or at least that’s today’s title).
