Day: June 19, 2005

Letter from Aimee

Letter from Aimee

I just finished reading “Dragonsblood”, and made it my mission to hunt down a way to contact you, Mr. McCaffrey. I have been a long time fan of your mother’s books, most especially the Pern series. You are a CREDIT to Pern and to your mother’s work. I can’t think of the last time I had a book grab me and pull me in to the point of losing time. I laughed and cried as you took us through this wonderful story.

Basically, I just wanted to say that I look forward, very much, to other Pern books from you. You do your mother proud, and you’ve given a new life to Pern and its people. I am very glad your mother has you to pass her torch to, and I axiously await future novels from you. Thank you very, very much for both Dragonsblood, and your part in Dargon’s Kin.


Thank you! That’s very kind of you to contact me. I really appreciate the effort you took to locate me and let me know your feelings.

Mum and I are working on Dragon’s Fire, after which we’ll be working together on “Dragon’s Heart” and then I may start into the sequels to Dragonsblood.

All of which is not to say that I don’t have stories of my own on my own worlds which I am eager to tell and I may get some of those told in the intervening years.


Letter from Debra

Letter from Debra

Dear Todd,
I was wondering if you could tell me why in the Freedom books in the last book no mention was made of the other aliens that shared the planet with the humans. We found out what was happening to the Catteni human population once they got rid of the Eosi but no mention was made about the other races.

I am so glad I found Anne and now your books and feel I must mention that it was because I had liked Andre Norton books so much that I went looking for more of her type of authors.

Hope to get an answer from you.

All the best,

Dear Debra,

Well, there are a number of loose ends in the Freedom series. I do recall that most of the aliens on Botany decided to stay there. At the time I think Mum wanted to concentrate on the Catteni problem. Maybe she’ll go further one day.

Andre Norton was a marvelous author and a great person. It was she who suggested to Mum that she have a white dragon and that it be a sport — from which was born “The White Dragon.” Andre’s books inspired me, too.


Letter from Elaine

Letter from Elaine


I just finished “Dragonsblood” and I wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved it! Your mother was correct when she said that you were “right for Pern”. While reading, I kept finding myself thinking how you captured the exact spirit of Pern and its inhabitants. The way you described the people, places and, most of all, the dragons was so perfect, it was hard to believe that she hadn’t written this book as well.

Anne was the first author I have ever written to, about nine years ago and by snail mail, no less. She sent me a lovely postcard from Ireland, one that I treasure. I have read all of her books, just finished the “Acorna” series, and she is still one of my all-time favorite authors. I am so glad that you are carrying on with the Pern stories, as I dearly love them, in fact, never want them to end. Keep up the great work!



Thanks! I’m glad that you loved Dragonsblood. I loved writing it and I loved tying up the questions that were left unanswered in Dragonquest.

I assure you that as long as I have good, original stories to tell on Pern, I’ll be writing them. My sister Georgeanne (Gigi) may also write one day on Pern — I can’t wait — and we all hope that Mum will find more stories she wants to tell as well. She and I are having a lot of fun working through Dragon’s Fire.


Letter from Tabetha

Letter from Tabetha

I just wanted to thank you, I have a teenage son who hates to read, recently he was told in school to pick any book and write a book report on it. I offered him my copy of Dragonsblood, and after some discussion over the size of the book he decided to give it a try. He not only enjoyed the book and got an A+ on his report he is now reading some of your mothers books and is attempting to talk his brothers into giving them a go.

I have been trying to convince that boy that reading is not an evil thing for years and you have done it.

Thanks again


Hi Tabetha!

Wow! Writers just love to hear that someone fell in love with reading through a book that they wrote!

I am so glad that your son loved Dragonsblood and I’m thrilled that he got an A+ on his book report.

This has made my month and will inspire me to write more, better, and, if at all possible, faster.

So please let your son know that it goes both ways — his enthusiasm builds my enthusiasm.

And thanks again for letting me know.
