Day: August 1, 2005

Meltdown, moving, and worldcon woes

Meltdown, moving, and worldcon woes

It’s been a busy past month.

My computer’s taken to melting down, its screen slowly fuzzing out as heat overtakes it. Just as I got a replacement fan, I found a new place to live and so, naturally, the new fan is somewhere in all the moving boxes waiting to be found and installed.

Moving took longer than I’d expected. I was overly optimistic and determined to save money with the result that I’d pack a few boxes, move them, unpack them, and repeat (forever and ever and ever…). I finally saw the error of my ways and switched tactics toward the end and got some help from Mark Montague (thanks, Mark!) and the final haul was down in a day with a large U-Haul.

I’m afraid I won’t, much to my disappointment, be at Worldcon this year. Something has cropped up at home that requires me to stay close at hand. My regrets to everyone in the UK who was hoping to meet me, I can only say that I regret this at least as much as you do.

The good news is that I’m all moved in, ready to hunt for that new fan (see how fans support authors? ), and I’ll have more time to work on Dragon’s Fire (over 93,000 words) and get started on its sequel.