Day: September 15, 2009

Query from Robert

Query from Robert

I saw on the site where Todd was discovered dead. Is this correct? I am having a hard time believing it.

And well you should! Not only am I alive, I even reflect in mirrors!

Nope, I now get to say: “News of my death has been greatly exaggerated!”

— Todd

Letter from Simon

Letter from Simon

Dear Todd,
First, let me say that I have just finished “Dragonheart”, and I loved it; I’ll have to find my copy of “Dragonsblood”, and reread it. I am thrilled that you are carrying on the tradition.

Second, I’m puzzled/worried by your introducing the idea of thread falling at night. I can’t remember that occurring in any other Pern book, and I’ve read them all (I started back in the 70’s). This is a really fundamental change. I’d love to hear your comments on this.


Dear Simon,

First, thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Second, not everything is known all at once, else Lessa would have never gone back in time, F’nor never would have gone to the Red Star, et cetera.

As mentioned in Dragonsblood and Dragonheart, night falls result in a large amount of dead Thread which is of no consequence.

But, as mentioned in Dragonflight, the watch-whers of the time had their wings clipped. At lest, the captive watch-whers had their wings clipped. There’s no mention of wild watch-whers (and why would there be?) but there must have been a reason to clip their wings and chain the poor beasts. This reason is indirectly discussed in Dragonsblood (because the watch-whers will fly Thread at night unaided).

So there were clues back in Dragonflight but not story to tie the clues together.

Dragonsblood provided the chance to match up the clues and draw conclusions. Dragonheart starts at the same time as Dragonsblood but actually ends earlier in the Third Pass (although more actual time has elapsed).


Question from Anja (auf Deutsch!)

Question from Anja (auf Deutsch!)

Hallo Tadd McCaffrey,
Ich bin schon seit Jahren begeisterte Leserin der Pern Bücher. Ich sehe immer wieder, das neue Bücher im Englischen erscheinen. Wann kommen sie in deutscher Sprache raus?. Der Letzte Band der in duetsch erschienen ist war Drachenblut.

Ich würde mich sehr über eine Info freuen und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anja Nebgen

Hallo Anja,

Es tut mir Leid aber die Bücher werden von Heyne gekauft, wenn sie wollen. Sie werden wahrscheinlich mehr Glückfragen sie haben.

Bitte vergeben Sie mein schreckliches Deutsch.

— Todd

Question from Carol

Question from Carol

Has anyone older than the usual age range ever impressed a dragon?

Hi Carol,

Funny you should ask that question… I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait a while for the answer! (Hint: you’ll get it when we publish the novel, “Dragonrider” which is the sequel to “Dragongirl.”)
