Day: April 10, 2013

Letter from Rain

Letter from Rain

Dear Todd,

Anne McCaffrey has been my favorite author since I was in the 3rd grade (I am 33 years old now). Before your mother it was CS Lewis and although I have read many a good book since, nothing makes my mind soar like her worlds.

When searching for more McCaffrey books to add to my collection I (just recently) came across your Pern books. It was with some trepidation that I picked them off the shelf (I took 3 at once, Dragon’s Time, Dragon’s Blood and Dragon Girl). How could they possibly be as good as the original Pern stories? And then I remembered.

When I was a child I met your mother at a book signing. The power in the woman I saw then (for only a few brief moments) is what told me, yes, these too would be good books. They are also “original” Pern.

I remember white hair, flashing eyes, a big smile and loads of confidence. Her answer to the question I asked has stayed with me throughout the years and I have used it myself in a number of occasions.

I asked her about the artwork on the book covers. You see, to me the stories were perfect; there was nothing to ask about them. As a child I was disturbed by what seemed like a discrepancy between the dragons as they were described in the books and the images on the book jackets – they didn’t match and did not portray the magnificence of the dragons in the stories. Your mother told me: “Oh no, I don’t have anything to do with drawing them. I couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler!” This answer assuaged my discomfort and in addition taught me that one does not have to be perfect at everything in order to be marvelous.

I would like to extend my condolences to you and your family on your mother’s passing. Losing a parent is hard, at any age (my father died when I was 13). When a person has such a large spirit, their passing is more difficult for those left behind…

At the same time I want to thank you. You have continued the McCaffrey legacy with honor and grace. You have already brought me, in the 3 books I read, wonder, laughter and tears. This is an enormous gift. Thank you.

May you and your family experience the wonder and joy you have brought others!

Best wishes always,

Forest Rain
Haifa, Israel

Dear Forest,

Thank you so much for your kind note!

I’m sorry that you lost your father at such a young age. I think it must be harder for someone to lose a loved one when they’re young; I know how hard it is to lose my mother even though I was a mature fifty-five!

We’re still sorting out Mum’s Estate — a bittersweet task. When we’re done we’ll take a long look at Mum’s Pern legacy and see how best to honor it.

Mum was specific in her desires that there were only two people whom she wished to write in the Pern universe: myself and my sister, Gigi. I’m hoping that we can entice Gigi onto Pern as I believe her voice will be both unique and cherished.

Again, thank you for your kind words!