More from the Big Apple

More from the Big Apple

While I was in New York, I had a chance to meet with my editor at Del Rey and, the next day, with my agent.

My editor and I had a great conversation, in the course of which I asked about the publication date for Dragongirl and mentioned how many people were eager to read it.

My editor checked with the office and later relayed the news to me. The answer turns out to be one of those good news/bad news sorts of things.

The good news is that Dragongirl will be published on my birthday. Yippee!

The bad news (for those of you who don’t remember) is that my birthday is April 27th.

I spoke with my editor about how anxious people were to read more and we’re wracking our brains to see what we can do to keep you all from going completely bonkers in the meantime.

One thing we’re pretty sure we can do is include an excerpt from Dragongirl in the paperback edition of Dragonheart which is due out October 27th.

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