Letter from B.K.

Letter from B.K.

I first read the Pern series when I was in junior high school. (USA) I loved them enough that I reread the entire series each year while in school and once graduating I continued by going to the public library. I am an avid reader and can complete the Pern books in about a month, two if I have a busy schedule. I broke down and decided that obviously I was not going to grow out of my love for the books and decided that I was finally “old” enough to go and buy them. ALL of them! Imaginge the look on the young man faces when I walked up to the counter carrying 18 books (paperback)and purchased them all.! LOL

I actually visited the web site trying to follow my mother’s advice and get in contact with a couple of authors. I am in need of help. I wrote a letter (also due to advice from my mother, you know mothers! LOL) and now am trying to figure out who best to send it to? Mom suggested getting it into the hands of an autor or 2 because in the process of researching books many authors learn things that the average “JOE” has no idea exsists.

However addresses are difficult to come by. Except Dean koontz, there is a mailing address in the back of virtually every book he has written. I know he is the only other author that I own more then 5 book that he has written. I have mailed this letter to him (a couple days agos) and I hope for a response but just in case I intend to continue trying to get my letter to at least 4 other people.

Thanks for taking the time to at least read this and I really hope to hear from you about where I can either email or post this letter I wrote so that I can then receive your advice from there. However I do understand if you are unable to help me, but either way can I get a list of books?



Hi B.K.

I’m glad to hear you’re such an avid fan.

Getting addresses for authors is usually difficult, however any letter care of their publishers will usually get to them. I recommend going that route. Big name authors usually find themselves inundated with letters and cannot read or respond to them all. You might consider trying an author with a smaller following.

The best place to go for a list of Mum’s books is her website. She has an up-to-date list there at annemccaffrey.org/books.


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