Letter from Dawn

Letter from Dawn

Dawn wrote:

Hi Todd,

It was great meeting you at the dragon con and I just loved the writer’s workshop. Thanks for taking the time and effort to do that with us!

Are there plans for another workshop next year? And if so how would someone get into it?

Also what is it like stepping into your mum’s shoes and taking over the “Weyrleadership” of Pern?

Thanks Dawn,

I’m glad you liked the writer’s workshop. I had a lot of fun, too. I don’t know quite what the plans are for next year.

Although I would like to do the writer’s workshop at Dragon*con 2004, I’ve also been toying with the idea of what I’m now calling the Openverse, a sort of Open Source writers’ multiverse. I suspect if the writer’s workshop was popular, then Anna Smith might ask if we want to do it again.

As to your second question, first I must say that I’m glad that I’m not the only one to take on the “Weyrleaderhip” of Pern — my sister Georgeanne (“Gigi”) is also a capable writer who has a keen interest in Pern. She’s currently dealing with a five year-old, so a lot of her energy is directed to parenting but I’m looking forward to the day when we can see how she views Pern.

Also, I don’t think of myself as “stepping into your mum’s shoes” as much as trying to head in her direction. The world of the dragonriders is a very special place and a lot of it still remains unseen. For myself, I think I’ll mostly do my writing in the Third Pass for the moment, starting with Dragonsblood.

— Todd

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