Letter from Stewart

Letter from Stewart

Hi Todd,

I just had to write to you to let you know I finally got my copy of Dragonsblood (the bookshop forgot to let me know it was out — arrrgh). However I am now half way through it and WOW WHAT A STORY. Because of the way I read books I see the film in my head my visulisation of words into pictures is very good. I have never before in all the books I have ever read been close to tears over a book and I’m only half way into the book. You have written the most emotional book I have ever got my hands on. Talk about feeling each person in the story. Two words to some up this book: WELL DONE. You have made me so glad you have taken up the mantle of pern. Your first book with your mum was good. This is brilliant.

Thank you

Hi Stewart,

Thanks! There’re more books to come! Right now Mum and I are working on Dragon’s Fire which follows on from Dragon’s Kin. After that we’ll be doing Dragon’s Harp, another Dragon’s Kin sequel. Then I might take a breather and do some of my own books before I dive back into the Dragonsblood sequel.

I’m really glad that you like Dragonsblood!


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