Wind Blossom and Kitti Ping

Wind Blossom and Kitti Ping

The US edition of Dragonsdawn states that Wind Blossom is Kitti Ping’s granddaughter. The UK edition of Dragonsdawn states that Wind Blossom is Kitti Ping’s daughter.

Neat, huh? A typo, no more. However, when I was researching for Draognsblood, I picked up a copy of Dragonsdawn while at Dragonhold to use as my reference copy. Naturally, to ensure that Mum had a suitable supply, I took one of the editions of which she had the most — the UK edition — thinking that there was no difference between the two.

Imagine my suprrise when one of my early draft readers (a good friend) told me that Wind Blossom was Kitti Ping’s granddaughter and not her daughter.

This issue was raised with the US publisher and, of course, with Mum whose decision was “I would never have had a three generation separation, Wind Blossom should be Kitti Ping’s daughter.”

When the next edition of the US Dragonsdawn is published, we’re hoping to have that error fixed. In the meantime, for those of you in the US who read Dragonsblood — no, it’s not an error, Wind Blossom really is the daughter of Kitti Ping.

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