Question from Connie

Question from Connie

Hello Mr. Todd McCaffrey, I wanted to ask if I did artwork of Pern characters and dragons, but my interpretation, and to be able to sell it as Pern merchandise with copyrights, do I go through Anne McCaffreys’ estate aka you, for permission? Do I go through Warner Bros too? I just want to make sure it is all legal, and accepted, before I do anything…I realize that you/the estate would get some profit, but I have no idea if my dragons are different from Warner Bros, how that would work? Please let me know, and thank you Todd, love the dragon books you did!

Dear Connie,

Firstly, I’m not one of the Executors of Mum’s estate. Anything I say is purely my own conjecture and has no bearing on the Estate.

I suspect, however, that you will not be able to get copyright for your artwork. I imagine that Warner Brothers would prefer wait until they have their own imagery and license that instead.

I haven’t the foggiest notion of how to go about getting in touch with Warner Brothers on this issue. I do suspect that, as they haven’t started actually filming, they’re probably not interested in worrying about merchandizing rights at this time.



P.S.: I suspect your spell-checker did you a disservice; when I got your original my name was mis-spelled: ‘McCaffery.’ The e & r should be reversed. As I like to say, we’re “free” (‘frey’) not “furry” (‘fery’).

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