Letter from Sandra

Letter from Sandra

I would like info on how someone would get intough with your mum about how she got started and how she got an agent to read her first work?

How does one go about getting someone like your mum to read someone else’s work, to see if it is any good. How do you get the publishers to read some ones work. I’m not a writer but my Sister is but she is having a lot of problems getting someone like Del Rey Books to even look at her work. The people who have read her work think it is very, very good but she can not get the publishing houses to read her work, (she writes Science Fiction Works) like your mum, so how does she get someone to read her work and maybe publish it like they do your mum’s? Can you help me in this?

Thank you for your time in this area.

P.S. If you or your mum would like to read some of her work please e-mail me at slweddel@tampabay.rr.com and I will be happy to send you copies of her work!!! Please E-mail if you can…thanks again


My advice is for your sister to look at “The Writer’s Market 2005.” In it she’ll get a lot of detail, including a list of agents who are looking to represent new writers. I also suggest checking out robynschneider.com. Robyn is a talent 19 year-old writer who has blogged her (successful) efforts to get published, including her query letters and responses.


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