Letter from Graeme

Letter from Graeme

 Hi Todd, having read all your Mum’s Pern books and then the books you did with her, I was reluctant to read your own Pern books. A sense of loyalty to Anne.
I am glad to say that having read Dragons Blood and Dragon fire, I am just as hooked.I shall have to install another bookshelf or down load more on to Kindle.
Thanks for the reading
regards Graeme

Hi Graeme,

As you may have noticed, I’ve removed your last name from your signature line to protect your privacy.

I’m glad you liked Dragonsblood and Dragon’s Fire. There are six more books — two written solo and four written in collaboration with Mum waiting for you to read.

Also, my sister, Gigi McCaffrey, has released her first pern book, Dragon’s Code which picks up the tale of Piemur, so you’ve lots more to read!

Mum was adamant that only I or Gigi write on Pern. Her last words to me on the subject were, “I trust you implicitly!



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