Letter from Donna

Letter from Donna

Hey Todd,

I thought I’d drop you a line and say congrats on the movie. After talking to you last year @ Dragon Con in Atlanta about the costumes that I make and we talked about the posibility of my making prototypes for you, I’d hoped to hear from you. I know things like this take time so I wasn’t worried. Please drop me a line at the above E-mail and let me know what’s happening on this. Give your Mum my “WHOOO-HOOOO!” on the deal too. I’ve been waiting on Dragon’s Fire to get done after you told me the timeline it and the next books were going to cover. I am waiting on pins & needles for them to go on sale to get one. Are you going to be @ Dragon Con this year? They don’t have on their website that you are. I’d like to come by & see you both and congtatulate you in person if you’re there.

Look forward to your response,

Hi Donna,

I’m so far behind on my correspondence that Dragon*con’s been and gone. Yes, I was at Dragon*con. I had a blast, and if my con-fuddled memory serves correctly, we managed to hook up for a very brief conversation. Mum’s planning on being at Dragon*con next year.

We’re all thrilled about the movie deal but, I must caution you and everyone that a deal is only that — it’s not the film’s in the can, or “coming to a theatre near you” any time soon. There’s a lot of things that will have to happen before the film gets greenlighted, even. Still, cross your fingers. Also, the costumes were for me personally — I have no control over what gets into the movie (opinions, yes, control, no).


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