Letter from Nev

Letter from Nev

Hi Todd,

I, like a lot of others in your letters page, am very impressed. I also have followed your mothers work, (I still have the Power Lines and Power Play to read yet, as well as Decision at Doona) and was a little worried you would not be the same, totally unfounded I am glad to say, I read Dragon’s Kin late last year, about September 2006, and like most have just finished Dragonsblood without being able to put it down. Congratulations on being a great writer able to follow in your mothers great footsteps.

May I also add, as your mother managed to find a way of removing the threat of thread, can I urge you to find the room to write about how the dragons can still be of use, and how they prove it. Pern still has to move on in time and space. A great challenge I know, but only you can do it. (Unless mum has beaten you to it.)


Hi Nev,

Thanks for your kind words! We’ll continue to write more.

As for writing “After the Fall is Over” (as Mum likes to joke)… I don’t know. I know that Mum has some ideas she’s working with and we’ll see what she does with them.

For myself, I’m busy with the Third Pass!


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