Chronological Order

  • Ordered by Pern Chronology
    • Before Landing
    • After Landing
      • After Landing
      • First Pass
        • Dragonsdawn
        • Chronicles of Pern: First Pass
      • First Interval
      • Second Pass
        • Dragonseye
      • Second Interval
        • Dragon’s Kin
        • Dragon’s Fire
        • Dragon Harper
      • Third Pass
        • Dragonsblood
        • Dragonheart
        • Dragongirl
        • Dragon’s Time
        • Sky Dragons
      • Sixth Pass
        • Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern
      • Sixth Interval
        • Nerilka’s Story
      • Eighth Interval
        • The Masterharper of Pern
      • Ninth Pass
        • Dragonflight
        • Dragonquest
        • Dragonsong
        • Dragonsinger
        • Dragondrums
        • The Renegades of Pern
        • The White Dragon
        • All The Weyrs of Pern
        • The Dolphins of Pern
        • The Skies of Pern
  • Reference
    • Dragonlover’s Guide to Pern
    • People of Pern
    • The Atlas of Pern
  •  Posted by at 8:27 pm

      100 Responses to “Chronological Order”

    1. I noticed the short stories from ‘Chronicles of Pern’ are not included, as well as the ‘shorts’ from Legends and Far Horizons. Any way to work those into this and possibly show the overlaps? i.e. Nerilka & Moreta, Masterharper and the later 9th pass books…..

    2. Hello, I’m wondering if there are any plans to re-release the People of Pern and the Atlas of Pern? I’ve been reading Pern books since I was 18, and that is many a year, as I am now 50. My sons have grown up reading the wonderful stories with me. I am in the process of finding any books we might have missed along the way. I had the Altlas many years ago, but it has gone walkabout through the ranks of lost friends. The Guide was reprinted to our joy, but I have not been able to find the People or the Atlas again.
      Thanks for your help. 🙂

    3. How many books about Pern are there in total as of Sept. 9, 2010?

      I read the Pern series in 1991-1992; I borrowed them from the city library, and in conjunction with a county wide library loan policy was able to read all that had been published by the last date. I was under the impression that that was all there was in the series and that none had been published after. I loved the series and recommended them to friends that became fans as well. I am glad that Anne McCaffery did continue to write that series and that her son has collaborated with her on future books. As of this writing I am assuming that she and her family are still alive and writing, as no other information can be found to the contrary on the internet. I do believe that the creators of the recent hit movie ‘Avatar’ can do justice to her vision and have always heartily wished that Pern books would be made into movies, with no deviation from the books as was the case in the ‘Harry Potter’ series movies. Perhaps Peter Jackson would agree to direct them?

      Did you know that people are writing fanfiction about Dragonriders of Pern on without disclaimers and not knowing of the rules concerning the writing of fan fiction on your website?

      A warm and loving fan,

    4. I know Anne suggests starting with Dragonfligt, then backtracking to Dragonsdawn as an order of reading, but are the “Pass” and “Interval” indicators of sequence in the history since the colonists first arrived?? And, I thought I remembered seeing something of a online game that was sponsored by Anne somewhile back. I have known of her works for years but only just now becoming a die-hard fan, and Im trying to find all the information I can to satisfy my addiction. Thank you for any information you can provide

    5. Thanks for putting all the books in order. When ever I start to re-read the series, I keep going back and forth trying to read them in some order. The Atlas to Pern is a great help in understanding the layout of Pern, the Holds and Weyrs while reading the series.

    6. DR Mollon,

      “Pass” is when the Red Star is close enough to throw off Thread, “Interval” is when the Red Star is too far. And yes, they are. We have the First Pass, followed by First Interval and so on until the Ninth Pass.

      No online game was sponsored. There have been several games including boardgames and others and some fans have created MUSH’s and MMORPG’s.

    7. Tia, probably the best way to keep up to date with Pern books is to go to the Publication Order and have a look yourself.

      We’re sorry to hear that people are writing fanfiction without disclaimers. The internet is a large place and we rely on fans to keep each other honest, sometimes that takes time.

      As for a film, we’ve been working with Copperheart Entertainment for a while now and are very pleased with their progress.

    8. Ania,

      The rumor I heard was that the actual plates for the book were lost in some move or other at the publishers. The rights to the book, of course, are owned by the heirs of the author, Karen Wynn Fonstad so the matter is largely out of our control.

    9. Eq4bits,

      The shorter works are not listed. A very good set of listings can be found at Sariel’s Guide to Pern and also at The Pern Museum and Archives.

    10. I have re-read the entire pern series each time a new book hits the stores. I have not read them in Crono order just as published. I personally think its the best way as each book leaves clues to the next and keeps the reader thirsting for more information about pern and her Dragons and Riders.

    11. Dear mediator: So, what was the matter with my post yesterday?

    12. Dear Karen,

      Nothing. Usually I wait until there are a number of comments to handle.

    13. Apologies if you’ve answered this question at another location, but I spend the majority of my Pern “community” time in the discussions, and there’s no answer there. So… I have the whole series, except for “Sky Dragons” in book form, and all except “Sky Dragons” and the Harper Hall trilogy in ebook form (Kindle). In the case of “Sky Dragons,” I just haven’t picked it up yet. My question concerns the Harper Hall trilogy. Why hasn’t that been released in ebook form? There’s no explanation on Amazon. Plus, all of the other Pern novels are there. What’s different about those three books?

    14. ElectricLion,

      The Harper Hall trilogy is not published by Del Rey. I’m sure that getting the contracts revised to allow the publisher of the Harper Hall trilogy to publish ebooks is a matter of urgency but everything is in a state of flux still after Anne McCaffrey’s passing.

    15. After Sky Dragons, Is their going to be anymore Pern books?

    16. Anne is gone? Wow. Her books have been part of my life since about 1976. My condolences to her family, and may she rest well in Animal Heaven.

    17. ElectricLion,

      I found the Harpers Hall Trilogy at epubbud,com . As with their name, the books are done in epub format. I know that you can read them in ibooks with the iphone, itouch and ipad. You can also read it on any reader or PDA that can handle the Freda reader. I am going to be reading it on my PDA.

      I haven’t read them yet as I just started rereading the series again today but in chronological order instead of in the order it was published. This will be the 7th time I have read the series as it is one of my two favorites (Honor Harrington by David Weber).


    18. Marc,

      Those are unauthorized — stolen — versions of the books. There’s only just been contract amendments made to publish the Harper Hall trilogy as eBooks (because they were published waaayyy before such things). If you want to read something approaching the original quality of the book, I heartily recommend you wait.

    19. Terry,

      With so many people asking for them, I don’t think there’s any reason for worry. But Sky Dragons is just out and we’re all still trying to recover from the loss of Mum.

      Todd McCaffrey

    20. Todd,

      First off my condolences, your mom’s book inspired me as a child to start reading and turn off the television. Your books have been a great addition into that world and as I reader I am thankful for all the work you have put into them!

      My question is, has there been any more progress on the Pern Movie? As I have been unable to find any information, or has that project been cancelled/ended?
      Thank you

    21. Alex,


      As to the Pern Movie, we’re still keeping our fingers crossed!

    22. Shards!!!!! I can’t, make that “I don’t want to”, believe it! I just finished “Dragon’s Time”, and decided to go to the web site, and I find out that the 2nd of my 2 all-time favorite SF authors has passed!!! All of Pern would have mourned!!! I told my wife, and since I introduced her to Pern, she was as upset as I. I had just had a new thumb joint created in my left hand 3 days prior to herself’s passing, so, I was “out of it”, but, I’m still amazed that we did not hear of it. So, even though 8 months late, our deepest condolences. At least it was quick, and, hopefully, painless. So, for Todd, what of the future of Pern? My wife and I had often discussed the possibility of a movie. With CGI, it would seem to be a more realistic possibility. I think, in all honesty, that there has not been, and may never be, a greater literary, SF or not, series. She was the best! We will miss her! We’ve already decided to reread the series in chronological order. Todd, you’ve got such a good grasp of Pern, we feel certain that we’ll see more from you. Looking forward to it!

    23. I have always felt there should have been a book about the exiles. Most of their families did no wrong!
      Surely with the dolphins watching to make sure they didn’t escape, the would have been some contact
      with the children. I don’t think the Story of Pern will ever be complete until the plight of the exiles is
      fully resolved! True, the crime of harming Robinton was serious, but how many generations have to pay?

    24. Well, I have to admit that I have only just discovered the fabulous world of PERN and it’s equally fabulous creator. How saddened I am to learn that she is gone from amongst us. Once introduced to PERN and all her wonders, I could not stop myself from devouring every volume I could acquire. It seems I have succeeded in reading them all. Now, I am grieved that there is 1 more. You esteemed mother must have an amazing person to have in your life. I envy your great fortune in having her and can’t imagine your sorrow at the loss. It is my fervent hope that you will endeavor to continue to bring us more of her creations through her notes and your remembrances of her. I will await the next episode from you with great longing and hope.

      I have always sworn that I would never have a reason to leave this planet that I have inhabited for over sixty years but the possibility of even seeing a fire-lizard, much less a dragon, would cause me to withdraw that statement. PLEASE continue Ms.McCaffrey’s work.

    25. I’m very saddened about the loss of the amazing Dragon Lady of Pern, she will always be remembered. But i have a question, will we ever find out the ending to F’lar and lessa’s story and what about F’lessan and his new mate. I know the idea of finishing your mums story must be heartbreaking for Todd, but i just gotta know if it will ever be done. Sorry to ask such a sore subject question. Thanks Ali

    26. I’m sorry to ask such an upsetting question, but Todd are you gonna finish Lessa and F’lars story, and F’lessans new plan for the dragons once the thread has stopped falling.
      I know it was something your mum wanted to do on her own but as a fan I’ve got to know what happens to them. Did she maybe leave a manuscript you could follow. please and thank you Ali

    27. I love the characters, the dragons, and Pern! The story is so well written, I actually feel as if I’m in the story itself.
      I have a character name suggestion: Tarrence. If he becomes a Dragonrider, his name would be T’rrence. His dragon’s name could be Crothren or something. Just a thought.

    28. I have been reading your mother’s books since I was eight. I was very sorry to learn that she passed. My deepest condolences. I have been reading your books since they were first publlished at well. I have quite the extensive collection of both. I regret that I never had the chance to meet her. One thing that has been on my mind since I read the last couple of yours is are the women of Ruatha direct desendents of Tanniz and maybe even Lorana? Lessa’s abilities remind me of her. Or are they just the product of breeding? I do so appreciate the fact that your books attempt to explain alot of questions that many of us that have been loyal fans for many years.

    29. Dear Anne
      Your legacy will endure until Earth comes to investigate that damned homing capsule! Faranth would have been proud! Blessings and prayers to both Todd and Georgette.
      My deepest respects,
      A Lifelong Fan

    30. I remember reading my first Pern novel in 1974 and have been a fan since. My favorite is and has always been The White Dragon. I hope you continue your mother’s legacy of Pern. Even though I have read the series many times, I’m now starting the audible books in order, which is why I came here. Thank you for this.

    31. Is your Mom’s last book ever going to be published? I have EVERY Pern book (yours and hers) and would love to have an end to the story.

    32. The sky dragons is not fit reading for young readers it’s full of homosexuality, I am very disappointed, I cannot let my grandchildren read this,I was a really huge fan of the pern series too

    33. Where does Red Star Rising: The Second Chronicles of Pern go? Also, where does the anthology The Girl Who Hear Dragons belong? Thanks.

    34. Where does Red Star Rising: The Second Chronicles of Pern go? Also, where does the anthology The Girl Who Heard Dragons belong? Thanks.

    35. Also, where would you put Jody Lynn Nye’s book Dragonfire in the series? I figured it should go after The White Dragon. Thanks.

    36. Is there any more Pern stories still to come, i have read everything that is out there but am longing for
      more. I hope that you plan on more, but i do understand if its over. I hope to start The Twin Soul Series soon.

      Thank You all for for Pern, and everything else


    37. I have been an obsesssed fan for many years! I am 71 so I have been reading Anne McCaffrey for a lonng time. It has gotten so intense that I still want my own Dragon and I don’t care what size it is! I believe that I own everything that Anne and Todd have written. I am just now starting to read the entire series again. I have both hardbound and paperback. I had to switch to ebooks a while back due to eye problems but nothing is quite as good as the feeling of a book in the hand! I was devasted when I heard of Anne’s passing. Thank you Todd for picking up the series.


    39. PLEASE Todd…
      I want to know what happens when the Sky Dragons rejoin D’gan and his set. I realise that Anne’s death will have made it hard to return to Pern, but some of us are pining to know…


    40. Just learned of Anne’s passing. Yes I have been living under a rock (lived in a very small town in the southwest so library didn’t have much selection for Pern books). Moved and finally got caught up, just finished Sky Dragons. Hoping Todd you will continue your family’s legacy. Waiting anxiously.

    41. I have been a fan since my father introduced the books, (my sister too) and my middle daughter has a collection of books as well. We are looking forward to further books by Todd. I was hoping a movie would be produced before I am too much older. Not seeing (Anne MacCaffery’s or Todd MacCaffery’s) Pern book s in libraries anymore. Everything has been modernized and streamlined to the point I am not enjoying the experience of going to the library as much. I used to walk around till a book caught my eye, could be any category, then give it a read. Learned a lot, and had fun.

    42. I’m curious to know where Gigi’s book Dragon’s Code (2018) fits into the mix. I’ve seen several answers that it is concurrent to White Dragon/post Dragondrumson other sites but I want to be sure. I figure the best place to find out is the “author/family” site,,,, I ask primarily because I’m currently on my 9th run through the series and have just finished Dragondrums – the perfect spot to start Gigi’s book if that is the case.

    43. There are some books that have been published which are not on this list. When will they be added?

    44. I just wanted to say as a 14-year-old girl in a group home/reform school the full stories of pern help keep me sane. when I read every single book of Anna’s I would literally be the person in the book as I read them. My therapist who would let me borrow them was in wonder because I would read a book a day could not get my nose out of them. I am sad to see that she has passed away but to know she helped me survive the time I was away from my loved ones with her stories will always be in my heart. I spent 15 years in that reform school and was released at 18 tomorrow I turn 43 and its been awhile. I may purchase them all and download them to my iPad to have with me always. I also have started to write my own paranormal romance book I hope one day I can finish it and publish it.

    45. I felt that the story was sad because it talk about how peoples life were after someone important died.

    46. I felt that the dragon that was being picked on for being small is mean and if you don’t have any nice words to say dont say them at all then.

    47. At first i felt bad for the others for being mean the the dragon for being small then i felt like every one was mean to each other

    48. at first they where trying to embarrassed him and make fun of him for his height and then at the end a dragon chose him and they stopped making fun of him.

    49. aye

    50. i felt bad that he got made fun of but, when his dragon chose him everything changed and nobody made fun of him.

    51. I just re-read the Pern series, but I’m anctious to know what happens after “The skies of Pern” Will they get rid of the Abominators, including Number Four? And will Toric be exposed? Will Golanth and Zaranth ever mate again? And may we, the readers, see the end of Thread? In other words will there be a next book?

    52. When my friends called me “shorty” and i wanted to be taller than my mom and most of my friends.
      I feel bad for Keevan for being picked on by other dragons.

    53. I think that Keevan was a strong strong and he does like being small.

    54. Where does “A Gift of Dragons” fall?

    55. I think it’s a shame the authors of each book aren’t listed. I made the mistake of buying several of Todd’s books before I read them, and he is NOT Anne, not even in the same world. It would be a shame, since some of his books are chronologically earlier than most of hers, if people got turned off by reading his before they got to the wonderful talent that is Anne McCaffrey. I ended up throwing away the three books of his that I bought, after trying to read the first two. They were just so poorly written, I couldn’t get through them. Sad.

    56. Red star rising = Dragonseye

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    58. The chronology is not accurate. In “Dragonsong”, Mennolly is at Jaxom’s impression, so depending on how long into “White Dragon” Jaxom impressed, and how long into “Dragonsong’ Mennolly witnesses it, those two books should be listed concurrent to each other. An actual Pern timeline would be ideal. Is there one somewhere, that I have missed?

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    60. The “Dragonriders Trilogy” (so named is incorrect. Read the first two (Fragonflight, Dragonquest), then read the Harper Hall novels, then read White Dragon.

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    62. First I want to say, I have read Anne’s books for years. I am completely blind, and finding authors who can describe to someone who hasn’t seen certain things well enough for them to be seen anyways is an extraordinary talent. I understand why some people criticize Tod’s work. It’s simple, they are scared of what is different from any of their own experiences; for example homosexuality. I have dealt with this all of my life. Many sighted people do not know how to act around me cause I can’t see the world the way they do. I guess fear is natural, if frustrating because all of us have differences from each other; otherwise we wouldn’t be individuals. Also, Anne herself dealt with homosexuality in her books. Whether you like it or not; what happens when a blue or brown dragon catches a green during flight? Obviously, as all but the queen riders are male, a homosexual relationship occurs. I guess Tod can be forgiven for expecting a more open minded reaction to a topic that has been part of the pern books from the beginning of publication.
      That all being said. Thank you Tod for carrying on your mother’s work. Your stories; like hers, I can see the events as if I’ve been able to see all of my life. You’re work is spectacular and if find for the most part you are, in your own way as an individual, as extraordinary as the woman who gave you life.


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    69. I would love to read After the Fall is Over! How can I? Also has Todd written (or planning to write) a book in the Ninth Pass chronology?

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    81. Love this series, first got introduced over two decades ago when loaning some from a friend. Recently reacquainted myself with them and started collecting and reading.
      Started with the books of the 9th pass.
      Just finished Skies of Pern.
      Are there more, or more planned that continue the story of F’Lessan, Tai, Piemur, Menoly and the others?

    82. Is there still a moderator to delete the spam comments?

    83. These books have played and are still playing a vital part in my recovering from a burnout.

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    85. After Sky Dragons, Is their going to be anymore Pern books?

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    89. I have been reading the books since the 80s and I am a huge fan and look forward to seeing a movie but I do have some issues/concerns, maybe the onus is on me because at times I find the narrative a little difficult to understand and to me there seems to be a few grammatical errors, such as saying they when it should be “the”, I struggled with that until I read dragons time and on the top of page 215 the word sympathy is written as “sympa-thy” after that I figured it must some sort of code. The real reason I am writing is about Tiona and Kimar. Now at the end of dragons time they played a major plot point with Fiona taking them “home” to Telgar, but then they are at the Weyr with Xhinna in Sky Dragons and Xhinna clearly states that no one came back. I have looked online but no one seems concerned about such a major error. Am I wrong and missed something. It has made it very difficult to read Sky Dragons but it won’t stop me. I would just like some clarification. Thank you so much. Bruce

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