Day: January 10, 2004

Letter from Earlie

Letter from Earlie

Hi There:
I read ‘Dragon’s Kin’ and although I was under the impression that a watch-wher couldn’t fly, I am delighted you are taking up the journey. I wonder in what directions you will lead Pern. I’ll hang on for the trip.
I am looking forward to Dragon’s Blood. I am a loyal fan of Pern. Thank you, Earlie

Hi Earlie!

Yes, there was the impression that watch-whers couldn’t fly. The only watch-wher that gets significant mention before Dragon’s Kin is the watch-wher from Dragonflight — and its wings were clipped. Somewhere between the Third Pass and the Ninth Pass the knowledge that watch-whers *should* fly was lost just like the knowledge was lost that the grubs were good rather than bad for Pern.

I’m glad you’ll hang on for the trip.


A note on Letters

A note on Letters

If you send me a letter from my website, and I decide to answer it, I’ll answer it on the website (you’ll find it in the Letters section). Very rarely, I’ll just answer the sender directly. I do read every letter sent to me.

I won’t answer “flames” — angry letters from people who want to vent their anger at me. Life’s too short.

When I answer your letter, I’ll just use your first name or first name and last initial because I respect your privacy.

I’ll also edit your letter for spelling and punctuation — I’m a writer after all and I don’t want to embarass you if you’ve got a simple typo (anybody can make mistakes). If the letter is just too long for the blogger, I may cut it down somewhat (I’ll try to avoid that and you can help by keeping your letters shorter).

Letters that come to me from the website automatically have quotes and double-quotes escaped, so I have to hand-edit every letter anyway (we’re trying to fix this). If you see a spare backslash (”) it’s because I missed it when I edited.

Safely Back!

Safely Back!

I’m back from Ireland with two marked-up first draft manuscipts and lots of notes! I’ll get to work on revisions on Monday.

Mum liked Dragonsblood, so did Gigi and my other first draft reader. They had lots of suggestions for improving the book (some of which might make it shorter). Already, I’ve made some of the minor changes (we changed several names because they were too similar to others).

More later!

Letter from Bats

Letter from Bats

Is Bats going the right way to join Chat?
Bats is really a late fan of fantasy and computer world
being a SF reader for a long time but found them a bit
boring, friend said try Anne McCaffrey, said ”I couldn’t
read that how could there be Dragons in SF?”
Yup, I’m eating my words, as for Fantasy! With head huge low, I scoffed at
that too, but now just try and take one away from me, say
THANKS to your mum, I’m hooked. Bats


This isn’t the right way to join chat. If you want to chat, probably the best thing to do is to go to Mum’s website, and join up to the Kitchen Table Live. There, you’ll be able to chat with many people, including (sometimes) Mum herself!

If you just want to write a letter to me, this is the right way.

Mum’s books are special, aren’t they? I’m glad that you like them.
