Day: March 8, 2004

Letter from David

Letter from David

Hey Todd,
You look better in pictures than I do. Looking forward to seeing you at AggieCon 35. I’m planning to submit a chapter for the writer’s workshop too. First workshop and first convention. Any advice on either or both? See you there.


P. S. Can’t wait for Dragon*Con 2004. I just gotta meet your mom (mum).

Hey David,

Thanks for the compliment. I suspect that it’s a question of lighting.

I’m glad to hear that you’re going to submit a chapter for the writer’s workshop. I hope it goes well. Ray Bradbury said something once along the lines of having to write 5000 bad stories before he could write his first good one. I think there’s something to it. I also think that people have to understand that they are going to make mistakes (those 5000 bad stories, for example) whenever they try to do or learn anything. My advice would be to try not to be too connected with your story at the workshop.

Also, I imagine you’ll find that you get more out of reading other people’s works and hearing other people’s critiques of those works than you will out of the critique of your own chapter.

This is my first Aggiecon but I know Mum went to one (maybe more) and quite enjoyed it, so I’m hoping I’ll have the same experience.

I’m glad to hear you’re going to be at Dragon*con too.


Letter from Stash

Letter from Stash

Not a bad picture at all!
Where’s dragon con going to be held?



Thanks! I had a lot of fun playing with the camera. I recommend it for anyone who’s photo shy. Just get a camera, a tripod, some cheapo colored lights, a couple of regular lights and see what you can do with shadows. My camera (actually my video camera) has a remote so I can take photos all by my lonesome. Taking photos by yourself digitally (so you can erase the bad ones) means that you don’t have to worry about what other people say and you can do whatever you want.

Dragon*con is held in Atlanta, Georgia over Labor Day Weekend (this year that’s the 3rd through the 6th of September).

— Todd

Letter from Cali

Letter from Cali

Silly Todd! You forgot to mention that You are going to be at DragonCon! See ya there!

Well, I’m not officially on their roster yet. As I’m not, I don’t list the convention. When I get on their roster, I’ll list the convention.