Day: July 15, 2004

Letter from Kathleen

Letter from Kathleen

Okay, I’ve been working hard to put the stop to my future thinking on my story. I know that once I start book two I’ll be able to concentrate on that time better then a couple of years ahead in the book.

But I’ve got a really good question… I think.
Prophecies, There is going to be one in the story. Maybe. I’m not to sure if making one is good. I don’t see many fantasies story with them. In fact I’ve only read about… three(that come to mind) that had any prophecies in them. So is that a do or don’t, or just one that depends on the story.

I can’t wait for Dragon*Con… I just wonder how I’m going to afford the hotel.


Stories are like stray puppies — they follow you home and won’t leave. When you wrestle with them, they’re playful and will happily fight back. Not knowing their own strength, stories can leave claw- and bite-marks if you’re not careful when you play with them. On the other hand, if you ignore them, they’ll whimper and sulk.

If your story wants a Prophecy or multiple Prophecies, then that’s what your story wants. Just go with it.

Also be advised that the ‘myth’ type of story often involves a prophecy. You might want to check out Christopher Vogler’s “The Writer’s Journey” for some insights into this.

You might want to look around at the overflow hotels for cheaper prices at Atlanta. The other trick is to get someone to come along with you and share hotel costs — tada! the price of a room is suddenly half! I know some people who fill a room with bodies and sleeping bags making things much cheaper.
