Day: November 26, 2004

Letter from Stewart

Letter from Stewart

Hi todd,

Great to hear you are comming to scotland next year! My wife and i will definitely be in Glasgow to see you and your mum. I have a series of books to recommend, it’s the “Wheel of Time” by Robert Jordan. I started reading the first book about a week ago it took till chapter 5 for me to get into it and then bang the story just took off. It’s very much in the genre as tolken and a very deep story as the rings. I thoroughly reccomend this author. The series spans 12 books I’m reading book 1 at the moment with 2 to 5 I’m getting as christmass presents, so I will have a lot reading to do in the New Year as well as your self. Have a good holiday,



Hi Stewart!

I know a lot of people who enjoy “The Wheel of Time.” You do sound like you’ve got your shelves properly full for the New Year.


Letter from My

Letter from My

Dear Todd,

THANK YOU, THANK YOU and once again thank you, so very much for “Dragon’s Kin.” I am a great fan of your mothers writing, and was wondering where her next book would take us on or above Pern? I have read all the dragon books at least 3 times {not “Moreta” though, too sad}. I was thrilled to find the new one. I sincerly hope that you and she will keep on writing the wonderful stories the years have produced

Once again thank you, and I look forward to reading your new book next year.

My Buick

Dear My,

I think that Mum and Elizabeth Anne Scarborough are working on another PTB book. Mum and I are working on a sequel to “Dragon’s Kin.”

I hope you enjoy Dragonsblood!
