Day: January 17, 2013

Letter from Laura

Letter from Laura

Hi Todd,

I just learned of your mom’s passing, unbelievable. I’m so, so sorry. I lost my dad a few years ago so I know the pain you and your sister are going through.

I feel as if I have lost a best friend. I’ve been a fan of your mom since 1982 and am now a fan of yours. I own all the Pern books, (as well as the Freedom, the Pegasus, and The Rowan series), in one form or another. I can’t tell you how many times I have read the series. I started out with Dragonquest, Dragonflight, and The White Dragon. Whenever I buy a new book, I read the entire series all over again, so you can imagine how many times I’ve read the original three. I just got my 80 year old mom to read the series, (she has never read sci-fi in her life), She is now one of your newest fans.

You, and your sister, take care. Both of you are in my prayers.


Hi Laura,

Thank you! And I’m glad you got your Mom hooked on Pern!

I’m also very glad that you find the series so readable, particularly the original three.

Question from Heather

Question from Heather

When does the next Pern book come out?

Well, unless you count the paperback publication of Sky Dragons, there’s nothing in the pipeline at the moment.

A lot of this has to do with getting Mum’s Estate up and running.

The next Pern-related thing will be the tribute to Mum published by Benbella books, Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern.

Gerald Warfield

Gerald Warfield

I just got a lovely note from Gerald Warfield, one of the 2011 winners of the Writers of the Future telling me how much he enjoyed my collection, The One Tree of Luna.

Gerald is a cool guy and for those looking for good reads in science fiction, I suggest you keep an eye on him. His website is

Question from William

Question from William

i have been a pern fan from the time i started reading them in middle school. i hunted down first editions of every single book out. but its taking up space and i am moving. i have found most on the nook but i wonder if we will ever see all of the available in e-format.

I understand about space! I live in a small apartment in Los Angeles and have come more and more to appreciate my Kindle’s ability to store a decent library on itself.

To answer your question: Yes!

The Estate is keenly aware of the lack and is working to fix it. These things take time, particularly with some of the older works because multiple people have to sign off on the contracts but it’s in progress.