Month: October 2015

Letter from Ori

Letter from Ori


I cant explain how much I loved the books written by your mother and you, they gave me a wonderfull place to turn to whenever I felt down growing up and still keep me “Hooked” today.

I was wondering if you still have plans to continue writing in the Pern universe – both in your own third era series and the book that your mother did not get to finish, “After The Fall Is Over”.

I realize that you most likely get asked this question quite alot, but I couldent find any news on this book older then 2013.

Keep on doing what you do best, I really appreciate the work you do – from your fan, Ori.


The coolest thing about Pern is that, when my mother died, she left it in her will that not only could I write on Pern but so could my sister.

My sister has a lot of insights and is a fine writer. I am looking forward to see her take on Pern.

She and I will talk more about what’s next for Pern, including what to do with “After the Fall is Over”, when she’s finished her first novel and had a chance to “catch her breath” as it were.



Question from Kori (the concert pianist!)

Question from Kori (the concert pianist!)

Hi Todd,

I’m writing again. I hope eventually this DOES get to you. I am a concert pianist/composer and award winning musician living in Orange County, CA. My latest album “Fire in the Rainstorm” has been submitted into the 58th Grammy® Awards. I have released 5 albums, and I will be starting soon on an electronic album that I wanted to dedicate to you and your Mother – Anne, and it would be titled “Killashandra”. It will be an album dedicated to the many stories from the Pern world, Crystal Singer, and The Rowan series. I wanted to get permission from you to use the name on the album. If not, that is ok, I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to contact me.

I really would like to hear from you.

Peace in Music,


Hi Kori,

I hate these kinds of questions. They’re legal questions.

I’m not a lawyer. Nor am I in charge of Mum’s Estate. So my permission is neither binding nor legal.

There have been several very long, protracted, and sad tales when Mum airily gave permission to someone out of the goodness of her heart and discovered that once given an inch, they took the full mile. So the family has a well-ingrained wariness with regards to such things.

Like you, I make my living by producing copyrighted works. So I’m very careful about anything that might be a violation of copyright, as I am sure you are too.

However, I will point out that the name “Killashandra” came from the name of (some very good) Irish butter we were buying at the time. If there’s a copyright issue with using the name (which is also an Irish place name), I would have expected the owners of the creamery to have contacted us many years ago.

I hope that helps.



Question from Mark

Question from Mark

I was wondering if you were going to finish the 9 pass, I would like to see what happens to holder toric and the rest settle into their new calling, you and your mother have created a wonderful world in pern you should complete it, Thanks for all your talent. Mark Carter loyal fan


Someone will finish the Ninth Pass. It might be me, it might be my sister or it might be the two of us together.

However, as I’ve got eight books on Pern (including the five with Mum), it seems only fair to give my sister a chance to find her voice — wherever that takes her.

