Hello from Dragonhold-Underhill

Hello from Dragonhold-Underhill

I’m borrowing Mum’s computer to write you all a quick note before I head back to the States tomorrow.

I finished a marvelous Aggiecon at Texas A&M on the evening of the 30th of March, flew back to Burbank late that night and caught a flight to Dublin the next afternoon — arriving in time to surprise Mum on her 82nd birthday by delivering the Aggiecon birthday card to her in person.

It’s been a pretty sedate visit. Mum’s energy is not what it was 20 or even 10 years ago but she’s still a going concern. We ate out at a local restaurant, The One Candle, last night and tonight we’re going to discover how little (or much) my culinary skills have atrophied.

We did manage to talk a bit about our next collaboration and I managed to get some more work done on Dragonheart though not as much as I would have liked.

Well, I’m off to check on dinner!

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