Letter from Shannon

Letter from Shannon

Recently finished re-reading(!) Dragonsblood and enjoyed it as much as the first time around. Can’t wait to see where you and your mum go from there.

My grandmother got me started reading Anne McCaffrey years ago (well, actually, I had read all of the horse books in the school library, asked the librarian for something else, she handed me the Harper Hall Trilogy, Grandmother was visiting and promptly handed me all of the other McCaffrey books she had!). Grandmother has moved closer to my family, and, in the process, put a lot of her stuff in storage. She has recently started going thru the stuff in storage and found out that most of her books received major water damage (before they were put in storage). I am hoping to work on replacing some of the books for her birthday, but I was wondering how to get the bookplates with Anne’s signature on them, as I remember ya’ll saying that she won’t accept books in the mail anymore.

Thanks, and keep up the good work! Do you have any non-Pern books you are working on?


Hi Shannon!

Good on your grandmother! Clearly a woman of great taste and someone who passed it on. I’m glad that you liked Dragonsblood the second time around just as much as the first (I hope it’ll read well to you as many as ten times — I think that’s the current record).

As with Dragon’s Kin, there will be parts of Dragonsblood that I will always cherish and I hope that the same goes for other readers.

I just managed to come up with a new part to cherish in Dragon’s Fire. Now, I’ve got to get it finished!

As for other books, I am working on one part time but I don’t want to say more until it’s much nearer completion.


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